Wolfram Blog

News, Views and Insights from Wolfram
  • Do you want to make optimal decisions against competition? Do you want to analyze competitive contexts and predict outcomes of competitive events? Do you need to elaborate strategies and plans against adversity and test the effectiveness of those strategies? Or are you simply an undergraduate student struggling to cope with a required course on game […]
  • When I read a recent New York Times article on AI, I didn’t think I would be following the footsteps of a Nobel laureate, but I soon discovered that I could do just that with Wolfram Language. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2024 was awarded for computational protein design and protein structure prediction, which […]
  • The Laplace transform provides effective and easy means for solving many problems that arise in the fields of science and engineering. It is one of the main tools available for solving differential equations. For most of us, the first time we see it is in an introductory differential equations course. Wolfram Language provides an ideal […]
  • The Drumbeat of Releases Continues… Just under six months ago (176 days ago, to be precise) we released Version 14.1. Today I’m pleased to announce that we’re releasing Version 14.2, delivering the latest from our R&D pipeline. This is an exciting time for our technology, both in terms of what we’re now able to implement, […]
  • In the United Kingdom, Prevention of Future Deaths forms (PFDs) play a crucial role in ensuring public safety. This is a special type of coroner report that documents more than just the circumstances of an individual’s death. PFDs are issued when a coroner investigates a death and rules that a specific risk or systemic failure—deemed […]
  • Nearly a year and a half ago—just a few months after ChatGPT burst on the scene—we introduced the first version of our Chat Notebook technology to integrate LLM-based chat into Wolfram Notebooks. For the past year and a half we’ve been building on those foundations. And today I’m excited to be able to announce that we’re releasing the fruits of those efforts: the first version of our Wolfram Notebook Assistant.
  • The holiday season is almost here. It’s a good time to look at the fun and informative ways Wolfram Language can contribute to your holiday meal planning. We are focusing here on Thanksgiving dinner, but these are useful tools for any holiday or family event that involves food! Planning Your Menu with Nutrition Analysis New […]
  • The 2024 Wolfram Technology Conference has ended, and we sent it off with our annual One-Liner Competition! Each year, participants are challenged to show off their Wolfram Language skills in this contest of brevity and creativity by using only 140 or fewer characters to share the most incredible and original output without using 2D typesetting […]
  • Each year, Wolfram seeks out computational innovators and honors their work during the Wolfram Technology Conference with the Wolfram Innovator Awards. It is a pleasure to see creativity and technology concentrated in these projects that break boundaries and push others to ask “What’s possible?” Without further ado, we present and congratulate the 2024 Wolfram Innovator […]

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