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Creating Packages Online
This is done interactively with the program.
Preparing Steps:
- Using the menu command "Learning Package - Edit Treeview" the tree view is switched to edit mode. First, context menu commands are now enabled and secondly, the index cards become visible as numbered entries in the tree.
- Via radio button "Edit Mode" the main area will be switched in the edit mode. In this mode two textboxes are visible, serving the input of Question and Answer content.
Entering Lessons and Sublessons:
- Click the node that is to get a subentry. In the beginning, only the root node is present. It gets lessons as subentries. These get sublessons as subentries. Sublessons then finally include flash cards.
- Then right-click the same node - a context menu opens.The allowed commands are enabled.
- Select "Add Group" - an entry is created and given a name automatically. The name can be changed later in a meaningful label.
Input of a Label for Lessons and Sublessons:
- Invoke the context menu command "Edit Name" in the same way - the box turns into an input box. (The node to be processed must be selected)
- Enter the designated title.
- By pressing the Enter key you leave this mode.
In the same way entries can be deleted again and entries for card files can be generated. The entries for cardfiles are numbers, which cannot be changed.
Input of the Content of Cardfiles:
- Left-click the card file you want to edit (e.g. with the left mouse key). Its current content appears in the main area with both textboxes.
- Enter Question and Answer, these will be saved automatically.
- The Answer can also get structured content by using a Html - Editor, the so called Tiny Mce Editor. To activate the Tiny Mce Editor press the button "Html Editor Mode" - the editor occupies the whole main area and can be left by pressing the buttons "Okay"and "Cancel". Its features are more or less intuitiv.